À l'attention de la tribu,. La dashboard a été mis à jour, notamment la page "staking".
18 Apr 2023, 09:19
📣 À l’attention de la tribu,
La dashboard a été mis à jour, notamment la page “staking”. 👀
Retrouvez toutes les informations utiles à ce sujet ! 💡
1/ Informations Générales :
- Période de blocage : les jetons sont bloqués et produisent des récompenses.
- Bonus $Galeon : pourcentage de récompenses généré pendant la période du programme.
- Tribe Points : total de $Galeon staké pour obtenir 1 Tribe Point.
- Place disponible : nombre de jetons $Galeon pour remplir le programme.
- Stake minimum : nombre de jetons $Galeon min. pour participer au programme (min/transaction)
2/ Statut du programme
- Total token stakés : nombre de jetons $Galeon déjà stakés sur 1 programme
- Stake total : nombre de transactions
3/ Autorisation de staking :
Il s’agit là d’une nouvelle fonctionnalité de sécurité pour les portefeuilles en ligne.
Une étape supplémentaire qui demande l’autorisation lors d’un nouveau contrat de staking (montant des jetons accessible pour de nouvelles transactions).
🚨 Pour staker un montant supérieur, il sera nécessaire d’augmenter la “valeur actuelle autorisée”.
Notre équipe reste disponible pour toute question complémentaire.
Same news in other sources
118 Apr 2023, 09:23
📣 Attention Tribe,
The dashboard has been updated, especially the "staking" page. 👀
Find all the useful information about it! 💡
1/ General information:
- Lock-in period: tokens are staked and produce rewards.
- $Galeon Bonus: percentage of rewards generated during the program period.
- Tribe Points: total $Galeon staked to earn 1 Tribe Point.
- Available Slots: number of $Galeon tokens to fill the program.
- Staking mininum: minimum number of $Galeon tokens to participate in the program (min/transaction)
2/ Program status:
- Total staked token: number of $Galeon tokens already staked on 1 program
- Total Stakes: number of transactions
3/ Staking authorization:
This is a new security feature for online wallets.
An additional step that requires authorisation for a new staking contract (amount of tokens accessible for new transactions).
🚨 To stage a higher amount, it will be necessary to increase the "current allowed value".
Our team remains available for any further questions.
Attention Tribe,. The dashboard has been updated, especially the "staking" page. Find all the useful information about it.
📣 Attention Tribe,
The dashboard has been updated, especially the "staking" page. 👀
Find all the useful information about it! 💡
1/ General information:
- Lock-in period: tokens are staked and produce rewards.
- $Galeon Bonus: percentage of rewards generated during the program period.
- Tribe Points: total $Galeon staked to earn 1 Tribe Point.
- Available Slots: number of $Galeon tokens to fill the program.
- Staking mininum: minimum number of $Galeon tokens to participate in the program (min/transaction)
2/ Program status:
- Total staked token: number of $Galeon tokens already staked on 1 program
- Total Stakes: number of transactions
3/ Staking authorization:
This is a new security feature for online wallets.
An additional step that requires authorisation for a new staking contract (amount of tokens accessible for new transactions).
🚨 To stage a higher amount, it will be necessary to increase the "current allowed value".
Our team remains available for any further questions.