Après 7 semaines chez Galeon,. Avant que les uns et les autres prennent une semaine ou deux bien méritées.
10 Jul 2023, 07:48
Après 7 semaines chez Galeon,
Avant que les uns et les autres prennent une semaine ou deux bien méritées. C'est le moment pour moi de vous faire des retours en interne. J'ai travaillé dans pas mal d'entreprises ou d'institutions, j'ai lancé mes propres projets, et... même si ça compte moins, j'ai énormément lu sur des boîtes qui cartonnent.
Je peux vous le dire, Galeon est un ovni.
Les fondateurs ont mis en place une culture de force tranquille. Cela fait 7 ans que Loic, Matthieu, Fred, Peter et Richard mangent de la vache enragée. Ils ont vu beaucoup de hauts et de bas. Ils se sont débrouillés pour rester sur le ring dans toutes les situations, ils ont exploré pas mal de chemins de traverse pour avancer. Croyez moi, c'est assez extraordinaire qu'ils soient restés fidèles à l'intuition de départ: mieux soigner.
Il n'y a qu'à voir le cimetière de startups qui faisaient la même chose en 2016.
Toutes mortes ou zombies (sauf si vous me montrez une exception).
Aujourd'hui quand je parle à mes amis soignants ils me disent que tout le monde sait ce qu'il faut faire (le DPI), personne n'a su le faire (en particulier l'interopérabilité). Et rares sont ceux qui savent ce qu'il faudra faire après.
Et Galeon a un plan.
Bon, ceci étant dit, je prends en main mon job (ça prend toujours plus longtemps qu'on le pense), et je vais vous demander un service pour avancer plus vite. Pour mieux servir la communauté, j'ai besoin de mieux vous connaître.
Same news in other sources
110 Jul 2023, 07:59
After 7 weeks at Galeon,
Before everyone takes a well-deserved week or two off. It's time for me to give you some in-house feedback. I've worked in quite a few companies and institutions, I've launched my own projects, and... although that counts for less, I've read a lot about successful companies.
I can tell you, Galeon is a UFO.
The founders have established a culture of quiet strength. Loic, Matthieu, Fred, Peter and Richard have been eating mad cow for 7 years now. They've seen a lot of ups and downs. They've explored a lot of side roads to get ahead. Believe me, it's quite extraordinary that they've stayed true to their initial intuition: to provide better care.
There is a huge graveyard of start-ups that were doing the same thing in 2016.
All dead or zombies (unless you can show me an exception).
Today, when I talk to my healthcare friends, they tell me that everyone knows what needs to be done (Electronic Health Record), but no one has been able to do it (especially interoperability). And very few people know what needs to be done next.
And Galeon has a plan.
Well, having said that, I'm taking charge of my job (it always takes longer than you think), and I'm going to ask you for a favour to help me move forward more quickly. To serve the community better, I need to get to know you better.
So over the next few days I'm going to ask you a few questions.
You're free to take part, but the more of you that respond, the better I'll be able to act.
After 7 weeks at Galeon,. Before everyone takes a well-deserved week or two off.
After 7 weeks at Galeon,
Before everyone takes a well-deserved week or two off. It's time for me to give you some in-house feedback. I've worked in quite a few companies and institutions, I've launched my own projects, and... although that counts for less, I've read a lot about successful companies.
I can tell you, Galeon is a UFO.
The founders have established a culture of quiet strength. Loic, Matthieu, Fred, Peter and Richard have been eating mad cow for 7 years now. They've seen a lot of ups and downs. They've explored a lot of side roads to get ahead. Believe me, it's quite extraordinary that they've stayed true to their initial intuition: to provide better care.
There is a huge graveyard of start-ups that were doing the same thing in 2016.
All dead or zombies (unless you can show me an exception).
Today, when I talk to my healthcare friends, they tell me that everyone knows what needs to be done (Electronic Health Record), but no one has been able to do it (especially interoperability). And very few people know what needs to be done next.
And Galeon has a plan.
Well, having said that, I'm taking charge of my job (it always takes longer than you think), and I'm going to ask you for a favour to help me move forward more quickly. To serve the community better, I need to get to know you better.
So over the next few days I'm going to ask you a few questions.
You're free to take part, but the more of you that respond, the better I'll be able to act.