Hello tout le monde, petit passage sur le Telegram pour donner quelques infos avant l'AMA de la rentrée : côté token le prix ref

04 Aug 2023, 14:11
Hello tout le monde, petit passage sur le Telegram pour donner quelques infos avant l’AMA de la rentrée : côté token le prix reflète la morosité du marché crypto des jeunes pouces dessus il faut prendre son mal en patience que le marché reparte et les alt avec. Par contre je vais parler du côté qu’on maîtrise : la boîte et le produit Galeon : 1 -> La boîte a une bonne santé financière et on continue de recruter alors que beaucoup mettent la clé sous la porte. 2 -> Produit : Galeon est en train de faire sa transformation auprès des hôpitaux qui nous prennent de plus en plus au sérieux. Au départ on était une petite startup avec un petit logiciel de spécialité, ils nous reconnaissent comme un acteur solide qui a le potentiel de gérer toutes les spécialités médicales d’un hôpital. On a passé les 6 derniers mois à renforcer le cœur de Galeon (dossier patient) pour le préparer à une expansion rapide dans les spécialités manquantes de l’hôpital, le cœur est solide, maintenant on va passer la vitesse supérieure, Developpement de la pédiatrie à la rentrée. 3 -> Blockchain: on travaille sur la refonte du site avec préparation des fonctionnalités blockchain telles que le vote par DAO, ça va arriver progressivement dans les prochains mois 4 -> Côté ventes : de nouveaux hôpitaux vont arriver à la rentrée, le processus de vente met plus de temps car la conjoncture est compliquée pour les hôpitaux qui sont frappés de plein fouet par l’inflation (matériel, médicaments et électricité), du coup ils retardent certains projets et se focalisent uniquement sur l’essentiel (heureusement Galeon fait partie des outils clés). Mais ça s’accélère, l’arrivée de notre directrice des ventes (Valérie) il y a 2 mois se ressent déjà, elle est très efficace et motivée, on garde en tête 10 nouveaux hôpitaux signés d’ici la fin de l’année surtout si on signe des deal de territoire. Dans tous les cas c’est en bonne voie et ça va progresser plus facilement suite au déploiement avec succès au CHU de Caen. Tous ces éléments ne se reflètent pas encore dans la valorisation du jeton mais ça va finir par payer, plus Galeon se développe plus ça sera difficile de passer à côté. Notre devise : “Be so good that they can’t ignore you”. Bonnes vacances à tout le monde, on recharge les batteries pour partir à fond à la rentrée 💪

Same news in other sources

GaleonGALEON #909
04 Aug 2023, 14:17
Hello everyone, a short passage on Telegram to give some information before the AMA in few weeks : on the token side, the price reflects the gloom of the crypto market for young altcoins, we have to take our troubles patiently for the market to pick up again and the alt with. On the other hand, I will talk about the side that we control: the company and Galeon product: 1 -> The company is in good financial health and we continue to recruit while many are closing down. 2 -> Product: Galeon is in the process of transforming itself with hospitals, which are taking us more and more seriously. At first we were a small startup with a small specialty software, now they recognize us as a solid player who has the potential to manage all the medical specialties of a hospital. We've spent the last 6 months strengthening Galeon's core (patient file) to prepare it for rapid expansion into the hospital's missing specialties, the core is strong, now we're moving up a gear, Pediatrics development in September. 3 -> Blockchain: we are working on the redesign of the site with the preparation of blockchain functionalities such as voting by DAO, this will happen gradually in the coming months 4 -> On the sales side: new hospitals will arrive in few months the sales process takes longer because the economic situation is complicated for hospitals which are hit hard by inflation (equipment, drugs and electricity), Suddenly they delay certain projects and focus only on the essentials (fortunately Galeon is one of the key tools). But it's accelerating, the arrival of our sales director (Valérie) 2 months ago is already felt, she is very efficient and motivated, we keep in mind 10 new hospitals signed by the end of the year especially if we sign territory deals. In any case, it is on the right track and it will progress more easily following the successful deployment at the Caen University Hospital. All these elements are not yet reflected in the valuation of the token but it will eventually pay off, the more Galeon develops the more difficult it will be to miss it. Our motto: “Be so good that they can’t ignore you”. Happy holidays to everyone, we're recharging the batteries to go back on track in September 💪
Hello everyone, a short passage on Telegram to give some information before the AMA in few weeks : on the token side, the price
Hello everyone, a short passage on Telegram to give some information before the AMA in few weeks : on the token side, the price reflects the gloom of the crypto market for young altcoins, we have to take our troubles patiently for the market to pick up again and the alt with. On the other hand, I will talk about the side that we control: the company and Galeon product: 1 -> The company is in good financial health and we continue to recruit while many are closing down. 2 -> Product: Galeon is in the process of transforming itself with hospitals, which are taking us more and more seriously. At first we were a small startup with a small specialty software, now they recognize us as a solid player who has the potential to manage all the medical specialties of a hospital. We've spent the last 6 months strengthening Galeon's core (patient file) to prepare it for rapid expansion into the hospital's missing specialties, the core is strong, now we're moving up a gear, Pediatrics development in September. 3 -> Blockchain: we are working on the redesign of the site with the preparation of blockchain functionalities such as voting by DAO, this will happen gradually in the coming months 4 -> On the sales side: new hospitals will arrive in few months the sales process takes longer because the economic situation is complicated for hospitals which are hit hard by inflation (equipment, drugs and electricity), Suddenly they delay certain projects and focus only on the essentials (fortunately Galeon is one of the key tools). But it's accelerating, the arrival of our sales director (Valérie) 2 months ago is already felt, she is very efficient and motivated, we keep in mind 10 new hospitals signed by the end of the year especially if we sign territory deals. In any case, it is on the right track and it will progress more easily following the successful deployment at the Caen University Hospital. All these elements are not yet reflected in the valuation of the token but it will eventually pay off, the more Galeon develops the more difficult it will be to miss it. Our motto: “Be so good that they can’t ignore you”. Happy holidays to everyone, we're recharging the batteries to go back on track in September 💪