Longue réponse à cette question piège. - Galeon propose aujourd'hui le DPI Galeon aux hôpitaux.
27 Jul 2023, 09:50
Longue réponse à cette question piège.
- Galeon propose aujourd'hui le DPI Galeon aux hôpitaux.
- Galeon a vendu un token $Galeon que vous connaissez bien. Il servira, arrivés à la masse critique du DPI Galeon, à valoriser la donnée de santé, partager la valeur entre parties prenantes, valeure financière (cours) et décisionnelle (DAO).
- Galeon n'est pas (encore) une blockchain: la blockchain Galeon sera le registre partagé entre hôpitaux et une structure de vote pour la DAO.
Mais, "au fond" et depuis le début, Galeon a été créé pour trouver le moyen d'utiliser les données de santé des hôpitaux pour développer des IAs, de manière transparente, durable, avec l'accord éclairé des propriétaires de la donnée et en cohérence avec la mission de soin des hôpitaux.
Donc le projet Galeon est "éthique" par nécessité (et pas parce que ça fait bien)!
Le constat: coder des IAs n'est pas vraiment le problème: il y a beaucoup de très bons ingénieurs, et des plateformes open source font déjà beaucoup.
La vraie difficulté (demandez à tous les ingés IA) c'est l'accès à une donnée propre. C'est là que le DPI fait le job.
La blockchain et le token sont des technologies nécessaires pour assurer transparence, durabilité et partage équitable de la valeur créée entre hôpitaux, holders, patients (par un pouvoir de vote dans la DAO). Le token a aussi permis à Galeon de vous rassembler pour pouvoir avancer, grâce à votre soutien.
C'est pour ça que la bonne réponse était "une technologie pour faire de l'IA pour la santé": Galeon est un ensemble de technologies qui permet de participer au big bang IA des années à venir. Certains disent que l'impact de l'IA sera plus grand que la maîtrise industrielle de l'électricité.
Pour illustrer l'enjeu IA, je vous conseille d'écouter le podcast de Lex Fridman (ex MIT) avec Benyamin Netanyahou (1er ministre israelien): ils parlent un moment de l'impact potentiel de l'IA dans la santé. En gros ils disent que ça va être tellement énorme qu'on a du mal à le comprendre. Cette prédiction est largement partagée chez tous les patrons et penseurs de la tech Occidentale et Chinoise: dur de se tromper.
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27 Jul 2023, 10:13
🎉 Partnership with Swipelux!
Swipelux is a fiat-to-crypto payment gateway widget, that enables end-users to buy crypto using their credit/debit card. Swipelux offers fiat-to-tokens on-ramp, fiat-to-NFT payment rails, one-step wallet, and KYC tools.
Partnership with Swipelux.
🎉 Partnership with Swipelux!
Swipelux is a fiat-to-crypto payment gateway widget, that enables end-users to buy crypto using their credit/debit card. Swipelux offers fiat-to-tokens on-ramp, fiat-to-NFT payment rails, one-step wallet, and KYC tools.
27 Jul 2023, 10:01
Ever wondered what it takes to win over serious crypto investors? It's a mixed bag of showing up (online and offline), transparency, deep-dive knowledge, and a pinch of bravery to face tough questions. 🎯
Kaizen.Finance can make you stand out in this crowded space. 💪
From handling the nitty-gritty of tokenomics, ensuring token stability, to navigating around market conditions, we've got you covered. We turn your investor's "maybe" into a solid "yes." 🚀
Stuck on your journey? Fear not. Check our tips here: Medium or contact us via Kaizen.Finance Labs
Ever wondered what it takes to win over serious crypto investors.
Ever wondered what it takes to win over serious crypto investors? It's a mixed bag of showing up (online and offline), transparency, deep-dive knowledge, and a pinch of bravery to face tough questions. 🎯
Kaizen.Finance can make you stand out in this crowded space. 💪
From handling the nitty-gritty of tokenomics, ensuring token stability, to navigating around market conditions, we've got you covered. We turn your investor's "maybe" into a solid "yes." 🚀
Stuck on your journey? Fear not. Check our tips here: Medium or contact us via Kaizen.Finance Labs
27 Jul 2023, 10:01
Ever wondered what it takes to win over serious crypto investors? It's a mixed bag of showing up (online and offline), transparency, deep-dive knowledge, and a pinch of bravery to face tough questions. 🎯
Kaizen.Finance can make you stand out in this crowded space. 💪
From handling the nitty-gritty of tokenomics, ensuring token stability, to navigating around market conditions, we've got you covered. We turn your investor's "maybe" into a solid "yes." 🚀
Stuck on your journey? Fear not. Check our tips here: Medium or contact us via Kaizen.Finance Labs
Ever wondered what it takes to win over serious crypto investors.
Ever wondered what it takes to win over serious crypto investors? It's a mixed bag of showing up (online and offline), transparency, deep-dive knowledge, and a pinch of bravery to face tough questions. 🎯
Kaizen.Finance can make you stand out in this crowded space. 💪
From handling the nitty-gritty of tokenomics, ensuring token stability, to navigating around market conditions, we've got you covered. We turn your investor's "maybe" into a solid "yes." 🚀
Stuck on your journey? Fear not. Check our tips here: Medium or contact us via Kaizen.Finance Labs
27 Jul 2023, 09:58
Hello, friends!
Today is the official 🥳 birthday 🍔 of the hamburger!
On July 27th, 1900, in the American city of New Haven, some lucky person bought and joyfully ate 😋 the first hamburger in history. Since then, the bun with a delicious meat filling, crunchy salad, and cheese has become a favorite of adults and children all over the world.
FiHunters are celebrating this 🥳😋 tasty holiday in the 🏳️🏳️ metaverse and sending 💌 greetings to their future mentors.
🛒 Only NFT FiHunters' owners can treat clever and agile 🐯🐲 crypto-hunters with delicious goodies. According to the developers' idea, mentors buy special food on the marketplace that enhances the abilities of their gaming avatars.
FiHunters are true gourmets! In their diet, you can find:
🍎 healthy food products to boost immunity;
🥙 food for the highest jumps;
🍱 snacks for improved flight;
🍖 food before gladiatorial battles;
🍳 dishes for increased performance.
Today's celebration inspired the developers with another wonderful idea: they are seriously considering adding virtual 🍔 hamburgers to the FiHunters' menu.
And what food do you suggest for FiHunters?
✍️ Share your ideas in the comments.
Hello, friends. Today is the official birthday of the hamburger.
Hello, friends!
Today is the official 🥳 birthday 🍔 of the hamburger!
On July 27th, 1900, in the American city of New Haven, some lucky person bought and joyfully ate 😋 the first hamburger in history. Since then, the bun with a delicious meat filling, crunchy salad, and cheese has become a favorite of adults and children all over the world.
FiHunters are celebrating this 🥳😋 tasty holiday in the 🏳️🏳️ metaverse and sending 💌 greetings to their future mentors.
🛒 Only NFT FiHunters' owners can treat clever and agile 🐯🐲 crypto-hunters with delicious goodies. According to the developers' idea, mentors buy special food on the marketplace that enhances the abilities of their gaming avatars.
FiHunters are true gourmets! In their diet, you can find:
🍎 healthy food products to boost immunity;
🥙 food for the highest jumps;
🍱 snacks for improved flight;
🍖 food before gladiatorial battles;
🍳 dishes for increased performance.
Today's celebration inspired the developers with another wonderful idea: they are seriously considering adding virtual 🍔 hamburgers to the FiHunters' menu.
And what food do you suggest for FiHunters?
✍️ Share your ideas in the comments.
27 Jul 2023, 09:53
Galeon telegram news 27 July 2023 09:53