Salut la Tribu. On est de retour avec @Dr_Loic_Brotons, bien reposé, prêts pour attaquer à fond .
16 Aug 2023, 13:37
Salut la Tribu 👋
On est de retour avec @Dr_Loic_Brotons, bien reposé, prêts pour attaquer à fond !
On va avoir des sujets chauds sur les prochaines semaines/mois :
- La partie commerciale pour trouver de nouveaux hôpitaux, la période Septembre/Octobre est très importante pour les hôpitaux car ils se décident pour les projets de 2024
- Rebranding du site, on avance super bien, on est en train d’imaginer quelque chose de vraiment nouveau, intéractif et innovant !
- Le whitepaper 2.0, on avance bien avec Loïc et Thomas dessus, on veut vraiment avoir une première version blindée, avec toutes les informations nécessaires à la bonne compréhension de notre mission
- Le développement du Dossier Patient Informatisé avec de nouveaux modules, pour couvrir tous les besoins de l’hôpital
- Et bien d’autres sujets sur lesquels on reviendra prochainement !
On va aussi organiser une AMA de rentrée en LIVE, en plus du nouveau format court, préparez vos questions !
Same news in other sources
116 Aug 2023, 13:41
Hello Tribe 👋
We're back with @Dr_Loic_Brotons, well rested!
We're going to have some hot topics over the next few weeks/months:
- The commercial part to find new hospitals, the September/October period is very important for hospitals as they decide for the 2024 projects
- Rebranding of the website: we're making great progress, coming up with something really new, interactive and innovative!
- Whitepaper 2.0: we're making good progress with Loïc and Thomas on this, and we really want to have an armored first version, with all the information we need to properly understand our mission.
- The development of the Electronic Health Record with new modules, to cover all the hospital's needs.
And we'll be coming back to this subject in the near future!
We'll also be holding a LIVE AMA soon, in addition to the new short format, so get your questions ready!
Hello Tribe. We're back with @Dr_Loic_Brotons, well rested. We're going to have some hot topics over the next few weeks/months:.
Hello Tribe 👋
We're back with @Dr_Loic_Brotons, well rested!
We're going to have some hot topics over the next few weeks/months:
- The commercial part to find new hospitals, the September/October period is very important for hospitals as they decide for the 2024 projects
- Rebranding of the website: we're making great progress, coming up with something really new, interactive and innovative!
- Whitepaper 2.0: we're making good progress with Loïc and Thomas on this, and we really want to have an armored first version, with all the information we need to properly understand our mission.
- The development of the Electronic Health Record with new modules, to cover all the hospital's needs.
And we'll be coming back to this subject in the near future!
We'll also be holding a LIVE AMA soon, in addition to the new short format, so get your questions ready!